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Want to Improve Your Presentation Skills?

Want to Improve Your Presentation Skills?

If you want to improve your presentation skills, there’s no easy way because just like any other skill, it takes time and effort. How much time and effort you put in will directly impact how much you improve. That part is easy. (more…)

Tips for PowerPoint Slides that Don’t Suck

Tips for PowerPoint Slides that Don’t Suck

We all need to use PowerPoint slides in our presentations from time to time, but what we don’t need and what your audience really doesn’t need is another set of PowerPoint slides that totally suck.

In this video you’ll learn to avoid common PowerPoint slide mistakes and what to do to ensure your slides actually help your presentation, especially if you’re nervous, instead of hurt your presentation. (more…)

Awesome Presentation Websites I Recommend [VIDEO]

Awesome Presentation Websites I Recommend [VIDEO]

In this video you will learn about two of my favourite presentations sites… there are certainly others, and I will get to those in a future video. But this time, I want to tell you about Charles Greene III, the Presentation Magician, and Craig Hadden of Remote Possibilities. I’ve known both these gentlemen for a number of years and although they live on different sides of the earth, they share in common a passion for presentations and sharing their knowledge.

The Presentation Magician

I don’t remember the exact details of how Charles and I met, but I think he asked me about Edutige microphones several years back. Since that time, we’ve become friends and like emailing each other with stories of what we’re doing, our children and about what camera gear we want to get.

Charles lives in Washington, DC and is not only a professional presenter, but he’s also a real magician! How cool is that, right?

Anyway, Charles is an awesome teacher. His style is very laid back but chock full of useful hints. And he makes it very simple to understand and use what he teaches. Definitely watch his videos and read his tips on his YouTube Channel and website,

Remote Possibilities

For whatever reason, I have a clearer memory of meeting Craig because I did a Skype interview with him several years ago after he had posted a comment on my website (or maybe it was my YouTube Channel?). Craig’s website is full of practical advice and all the information is well-laid out and easy to understand.

The cool thing about Craig’s posts is that he always has practical examples and references some of the more famous presentations experts to support his ideas.

I highly recommend checking out both Charles and Craig’s websites, and Charles’ YouTube Channel. I’m sure you’ll come away impressed.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you.

Sample Presentation: How to start and end a presentation in 2 minutes 37 seconds [VIDEO]

Sample English PresentationWhat is the ideal amount of time to give an effective presentation? If you’ve ever watched a Ted video, you’ll have seen that some of the presentations are very short. In fact, some of them are only about three minutes or less. However, those presentations are highly effective and often very memorable.

I’ve never given a presentation at Ted, but I have given a short presentation in the past. So this week, you’re going to see a sample presentation of me giving a real presentation that is only two minutes and 37 seconds long.

But to make this more helpful for you, I’m also going to include an analysis of what I said and the key expressions that I used. (more…)

Who else needs to create a killer looking presentation? [VIDEO]

Make great looking PPT slides with imagesIf you want to create a killer looking presentation, then you need to know where to get images that’ll blow the socks off your audience.

Why is this important?

Well, first of all, the more visual your presentation, the more it will be mentally imprinted into your audience member’s brains. The reason for this is because humans are visual and we remember things a lot easier when there is a visual. Remember the old saying, a picture speaks a thousand words? Well, the perfect picture will speak a thousand words and rocket your presentation to the next level. (more…)